Intro to Live Coding
Report on a live coding workshop I attended today
As I’m writing this I’m attending a workshop on live coding.
We started with the instructor’s blog post with live coding functions on hydra.
We also looked at an awesome list for live coding. I ran hydra locally for my purpose.
We quickly went through how to run functions, and one by one these functions were introduced:
- solid
- osc
- rotate
- scrollX
- scrollY
- scale
At this point, this is what I came up with
frequency = 10
sync = 0.2
saturation = 1
pi = Math.PI
rotate = pi/4
rotation_speed = 0.2
scroll_x = 0.2
osc(frequency, sync, saturation)
.rotate(rotate, rotation_speed)
.scrollX(0, scroll_x)
.rotate(-rotate, -rotation_speed)
.scrollY(0, -scroll_x)
- noise
pixelate …and a lot of other functions
We started using different outputs, blending audio and video input,a nd so on.
We talked about @hydra_patterns, estuary